a place to come and discuss in peace, things of religion, life, and families


Posted by tawodi on May 1, 2012

Sometimes in life elements come together that make you sit back and take notice.
There is no apparent rhyme or reason as they align themselves for a new idea, a new approach, or a sudden unveiling of what has been before your very eyes that you simply didn’t see for what it was…. till now.
I am going to call this God’s providence as I see it that way. I have made a study, albeit informal, for most of my life of history, religion, in a more serious format to be sure….and ….Society …and it’s politics. What makes us who and what we are in general.
In the United States of America we are a different breed altogether, but most do not understand just why this is so, and why it is attested to, by so many, when we all are just people anyway.
The reason is simple really…. it is because we are the only nation on Earth that was conceived and crafted to enshrine the rights of the individual citizen. In the best way, time has proved to be, the correct way, to interpret being human.
The rights of Americans do not come from men and most assuredly, do NOT come from governments….OF men!
Such governments that confer upon their citizen such rights as they so confer…are subject to terming them as rights, when they are little more than government conferred…. privileges which…. being conferred as such… can readily be taken away by any means that government deems necessary to good order….OR the more prevalent reason…for….” the common good”.
The elements for this article have come together for me in the last seven months of research and digging to unearth ….not my words…but the words of those who currently govern us from the stage, and,….. more importantly….. From the shadows
It is my intention to reveal these people and leaders and educators for what they are and just what their purpose is…. for you…me …your children and, all others who follow us from now into the future.
Let me first start with a list of names….not so long a list as you may suppose for the enormity of what is being, and has been…proposed.
The very first is the person who made me sit up and take notice of something I had suspected, felt, Or, you could say intuited, or what ever…. but could not articulate till I heard her words. She is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and her name is Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The following quote comes from an Egyptian television interview on January 30, 2012.
“ I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012. I might look at the Constitution of South Africa….A fundamental instrument that embraced human rights.”
When you consider who and what this woman is…. it is simply STUNNING that she would voice such a comment. A person who is sworn to up hold that Constitution Of the United States and NONE OTHER!
People like this do NOT operate in a vacuum, they are formed from those who at first have been alienated in some way by their peers, or by society for unknown, usually inconsequential reasons, to the better balanced of us at large. In short an assumed victimhood that is worn for their entire life into the future, no matter how successful they ultimately become in that life. It may bear stating that ours is a society of victims…If you doubt me simply observe all the people who have been influenced by Oprah Winfry and others who picked up her style and mantra….professional victims leading those who felt victimized once it was pointed out to them who their oppressors were or were perceived to be….real or not.
We as a society still suffer untold amounts of damage from those who have made, and are making, fortunes from their race baiting…class warfare and…. Hyphenating every one, and everything, that doesn’t move, or can run away from their doing so!
To give another example of the “Baby with the bathwater” thinking out there, the latest group being the Atheists and The Freedom From Religion Foundation suing small cities and towns to remove religious symbols from public property. Some of you might think “Well good on them! It’s about time those hatefilled right wing conservative Christians get what’s coming to them!”
One may indeed feel some justification from that but ,consider when it’s your turn to be at the mercy of those you can not defend yourself from…like those self same small cities and towns that are virtually bankrupt…. because of political stupidity! Which of course, leads to economic stupidity! Which leads to failure as a NATION!

And now for names….I led with the name of Ruth Bader Ginsburg not because she is a leader of this pernicious movement but because…. she is but a symptom of it!
The first name is Barrack Hussein Obama Because he currently leads it. He was groomed for it, believes implicitly in it and, will stop at nothing to achieve his vision for America of the future.
That vision is NOTHING like that conceived of by the founders or the people of this nation that they can currently conceive. One of freedom…. as it has been known for us historically.
The next is George Soros, because he is currently involved in being the major financier and motivator of this movement having in the past brought down three other nations by his financial manipulations because he HATES free systems like ours! He and his consortium of cohorts is zealously moving in the shadows, and in the United Nations and among powerful elements of other nations, to bring us down, as we have been known, to accomplish everything I have, and will, say in this article. And, this can be verified BY YOU! It is all over the internet…not on blogs and crap like that, but in official records and readily available in quotes and interviews over the years.
What follows is a description of who the players are, their plans, and the direction and, the way they have and are, moving to accomplish all that has been outlined so far.

1. President B.H.Obama
2. Eric Holder Attorney General of the U.S.
3. Elena Kagan Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the U.S.
4. Sotomayor Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the U.S.
5. George Soros Bankroller of the D.N.C. and other arms of the Obama machine. The Center For American Progress.
6. Cass Sunstein Regulation Czar
7. John Podesta, Center for American Progress.
8. Professor Aziz Huq of University of Chicago Law School
9. Mark Tushnet of Harvard ;Law Professor
10. Emily Zakin, Professor Hunter College
11. Robert C. Post, Dean Harvard Law School
Jack Balkin Professor of Law Harvard Law School
12 and onward…access all of Obama’s appointments to cabinet positions and those ubiquitous Czars that you heard of, and hundreds of other quiet Presidential Appointees that currently infest congress and inside the Beltway of Washington D.C…. but who have faded into the wood work like termites, to accomplish the ends of these planners and plotters….Sorry there’s no better word for it, as it is conducted from the shadows as is being done.

EXAMPLE; Katherine Sebelius, ( Cabinet Head, Health and human Services) and her recent ruling about churches paying for abortions! If you believe that she did that without the direction of her political bosses ….YOU are naieve,,,or hopelessly deluded!

These are the acknowledged leaders of the movement to rewrite the constitution of the United States. And then you have the other 40,000,000 or so, of unknowing innocent dupes of this party run amuck or, at worst, actively lying along with the rest of them, to accomplish their ends.

……………………..The Stated Goals of This Movement……………………………..

“Taking Back The Constitution.”….Taking it back from WHOM??…Well according to them it was hi-jacked by those wascally wepublicans again!!! You might ask, “ is that a quote from Elmer Fudd?” Uhh…no, it’s not. It comes from Professor of Law at Harvard University…The exact quote…“For thirty years the Conservatives have hijacked the Constitution, and we’re taking it back.”
Back?? Where did they take it?? It wasn’t ME…. I’ve been trying to find it among the crappy laws, Directives, Regulations and the blizzards of Executive Orders that this country has been run on, for years….INSTEAD OF LAWS!!
REALLY, WHERE DID IT GO?? Can you tell me….please?
This administration has been in office for over three years and has not submitted a budget from the Senate YET! Harry Reid will NOT allow any budget from the house of Representatives to even reach the Senate floor for discussion!! I do not include his name in the list because I can’t find his own quotes…YET…to back up that claim.
Do not forget…. every claim I intend to print in this article…. is from those …who made them…clearly stating their intent!!..
That is why this article will be so damning in it’s proofs!…. I am not the one saying these things….THEY ARE!!

Now back to the beginning, Justice Ginsburg’s comment at that Egyptian television interview. Why would she say such a thing? Why would she even believe it needed saying? Especially in that venue, as a person so high in the government of the United States? Does it seem off the wall to you….? Well it did at the time to me, so I simply dismissed it, as I have so many of her comments before…..I should have listened closer!
What that comment does is reveal her commitment to an ongoing movement among “progressive” legal activists to render the Constitution, as we know it, unrecognizable.
Want to know what else is outstanding by it’s absence? The Lamestream Media’s ignoring the remark or shoving it out of sight along with other things you should know about them and the people who ostensibly represent you and me….silly us!!!
We are ignorant and not worthy of note…. as far as running the country is concerned…remember? Go to a couple of cocktail parties among the intelligentsia, you’ll find this out soon enough! Remember the Town Meetings of 2010…. before the elections? Kind of revealing…. about just what they thought of you then…. weren’t they!!
Wipe your feet after you leave the party though…you don’t want to track that crap into your living room…it’s bad enough they pump it in through your T.V………
So we return to the thrust of all this…. WHAT do they intend. Besides take back what isn’t gone!!

Now since I opened with a quote from Ruth Bader Ginsburg let’s expand the mantra of these people, starting with, The already quoted… Mark Tushnet ….having stated his goals thereby giving impetus to this pernicious plan, which will now be unfolded right before your very eyes!
The next player to be introduced is…TA DA! John Podesta, former Clinton Cabinet member and Cass Sunstein. Who in the interim between the Clinton Administration and that of Obama’s served that gazillion dollar backer of democracy George Soros.
This all of course has a name let me introduce you to the new, “Democratic Constitutionalism” This is the “moniker for this which was coined at TA DA! 2005 American Constitutional society conference at Yale Law School .Also followed in 2009 by a book and another conference of the same name. At that Pillar of Education ,Yale University.
Now, having introduced the first three of the major players in this expose’ and who they WERE….let us proceed to who they ARE NOW. George Soros of course needs no introduction as the hater in chief of democratically elected governments and capitalism.
John Podesta on the other hand after serving as Obama’s chief of his transition teamn into the White House environs is the overseer of probably the most successful of those multigazillion dollar machine for George Soros ….The Center for American Progress…..That font of left wing ideas that President Obama has turned into his entire platform and policy coming soon to a neighborhood near YOU!……Hold the drum roll please!
The next Denison to slither from under that rock is TA DA! Cass Sunstein….Sunstein is the “unofficial or tagged as an “onformal” White House advisor….kinda sorta like the old card carrying Harry Hopkins of F.D.R. fame another unofficial advisor to the President.
Actually he does have a title….He is the Czar of the White House Office of Information and….NOW the drum roll!! Regulatory AffairsTA-DUM… TA-DA DUM! Thank you.
This guy is just giddy about the South African Constitution and has called it, “The most admirable Constitution in the history of the world.” Close quote…please……OH! By the way Sunstein is on leave from his chair as a Harvard Law Professor and an incredibly prolific generator of far left ideas , that any reasonably intelligent person….would simply call weird. For instance internet web sites should include opposing points of view to “be fair”and [quote/ “ the growing number of consumers to “filter” what it is they see.”….In other words you’re too stupid to form your own opinions about what you read….You need “them” to do it for you!…Outrageous or what? OR even better….he has proposed giving animals “personhood” so that lawyers can…on behalf of those animals…sue in court!
What this means of course is that “liberals” progressives” or what ever the hell they’re calling themsleves now HATE the idea that they no longer control the media that you see like they did for all the years there were limitation. Because we didn’t HAVE the media open to you to say and read what you WANT TO! Even now they continue to tell us that the media airs the stories….NO THEY DON’T!!! and THAT is what is meant by “Media Bias” they simply don’t run the stories they don’t want you to hear!
EXAMPLE; Just how much do you know about the story you are now reading??? OR Operation Fast and Furious….Holder’s and Obama’s and Hilary’s plan to infiltrate weapons into a sovereign Nation, Mexico, to continue the LIE that American guns from illicit American gun dealers, were the principal source for the weapons used in the current drug wars down there. These wars, which have claimed more than 25,000 lives so far! Not to mention the life of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent who was killed by one of those guns!
….This insanity is so pervasive all through this administration, it is simply incredible…and so many who read these things simply refuse to give them credit! They can’t believe this is all happening right here, right now even as we speak, and is being guided and implemented by a sitting duly elected President of the United States and his entire, “rotten fruit”, … filled administration.
As out lined…. Sunstein is actually calling for a form of censorship of thought….to create DIVERSITY!!….And you thought ME…. crazy!?!
One more step….Through the looking glass…into Alice’s world….don’t lose sight of the White Rabbit….he’s heading for the White House….how appropriate!
Now there is no real secret to the Constitution in 2020 movement. You can find it on the internet or, like some other movements, smeared on the sidewalk, or in the grass somewhere.
What is NOT unique is that way in which it is being conducted…which of course like so much of other “liberal-progressive” efforts….under the radar…like so many or so much of their political goals…..If they told you, EXACTLY what they intend, they would be laughed out of the room and off of our streets!
So now you have learned something else you maybe didn’t know…THEY LIE….and they do it about almost everything they believe! It is second nature to them….as in no other way can they hope to succeed.
Now, the mechanics involved are simply these. The Lead off Speaker for the 2009 conference, reconvened at Yale Law School, was Professor, Aziz Huq, Of the University of Chicago Law School.
He laid out the need for a deep political masquerade to accomplish real change.
[quote]; We’ll start with the problem of candor,” Huq said. “No Constitutional movement ever got very far by admitting that it sought innovation in the founding document. Or by admitting that it was enabled by the particular social/historical or doctrinal circumstances of the change that it urged. Yet to be a creditable movement for Constitutional change-a creditable social movement- that movement has to deny, in a sense, it’s ultimate goal.” [close quote] Now I’m going to take a BIG leap of faith here and give you credit for being able to understand, THAT FOOL JUST TOLD YOU THEY NEED TO LIE TO GET THIS CRAP INTO OUR GOVERNMENT!!!
I’m am sorry for screaming but I’ve been screaming since before the election of 2008 and nobody listened THEN. Obama told you exactly what he would do if elected and has done it!
Quick question here folks…Have you ever heard of….TA_DA…. A CONSTITUTIONAL AMMENDMENT? Why from the outset have these people assumed that they NEED TO LIE to accomplish their goals?? The mechanism is there to make the changes they want to make….. right?!?
Unless understand they know damned well that to get this crazy crap past you,… by a democratic vote,…. IS SIMPLY NOT POSSIBLE YET!… Too many Americans still have a functioning BRAIN!
Now to understand what this all means you MUST understand what “rights” the U.S. Constitution conveys to you from the government….once again…….NONE…….THEY DIDN’T GIVE THEM TO YOU!!…According to the Declaration of Independence our founding document historically, they come from our CREATOR! You will notice it does NOT say God. It was phrased this way to include those who do NOT believe in God! PHRASED AS IT IS, You can call it Mother Nature…Jehova….Yahwey…..I AM…..Indus…..Shiva… fact what ever you want….. up to, and including, Satan Himself!….OR…..nobody and nothing …AT ALL.
Pretty smart them old dead white guys ehhh? Also since men didn’t GIVE them to you, MEN can’t take them AWAY! And since this Constitution and indeed, our ENTIRE GOVERNMENT, WAS CRAFTED TO PROTECT AND ENSHRINE THESE RIGHTS ,…. OF THE INDIVIDUAL….. INCLUDING GO TO WAR TO DO SO….You had better be damned careful of playing with it! Yes I know I said all that before…but in case you didn’t understand it back then, I felt it needed repeating!
You need to see something else right here and NOW. It is THIS that they hate…. individual rights!…. They can not control you with this Constitution in place. We,being a Nation of LAWS…. is Also what they hate…. they can not go around sneaking crap in under the radar! It is accomplished by laws! In this OUR country. Go and read you will be amazed by the protections offered you in this old document that so many have died to defend FOR YOU! They are enumerated and the government is told quite plainly…. HANDS OFF!!
The South African Constitution contains language that says. Human beings have the “right” to…healthcare…food….shelter….meaningful work….In short all sorts of things that once stipulated as being rights it becomes plain they are anything BUT rights! They become simply “privileges” that the government gives to you for the purpose of maintaining what ever their goals ARE! The Government that giveth…. That government…. can taketh away!!… EXCEPT IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! This is WHY you may not have truly understood before WHY you have been told all of you life, there is NO other Nation Anywhere on Earth that was constructed and maintained as have we, The United States Of America!
We have reached the point I wanted to make, to show you the very real danger you, me and all the citizens, and illegals here, are in today and for what ever amount of time these people remain in power.

You have the names, go to their web cites. Go read what they themselves say about their plans….These things are real…they are a clear and present danger to our entire way of life as Americans and I do NOT exaggerate that one bit. In fact I have not told you the half of it. Just like Joe McCarthy and now glen Beck and even ME! Yes we are a pain in the ass….. but it’s for you…. because if you don’t wake up…. your children will NEVER have what you have HAD…. Freedom…. Plain…. Pure…. and simple….FREEDOM

BE WELL FRIENDS…….Rev. Bruce……………………Tawodi

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Posted by tawodi on April 21, 2012

Or…is it…. “just another”…….. government?

I watched today ( April 8 ) at about ten A.M. President Obama give a rambling barely coherent speech, of what his intended direction for this country is.

I was concerned that there was something physically wrong with him, as the speech in several places wandered, and was making no sense to me at all in places. I fully expected one of his aids to come up, interrupt him by whispering something in his ear, and then they would both leave the stage and the network would make some lame excuse that there had been an emergency requiring the President’s attention!

I am being deadly serious here…it was that jarring a performance.

This led me to think of what it is we are so in danger of losing, right now, as we dawdle in apathy and nobody seems to accept that it is US, that must move to save our country…It is US that must accept the FACT, that waiting for some creation of a cultural phenom as our savior, is the single most dangerous thing we can do as a nation of….. LAWS!

We are told, repeatedly, that governments that are just, rest assured of Gods blessing. We are told as Christians, “render unto Ceaser that which is Ceasers.”

We are told, we are to be in the world but, not OF the world.

Were we settled by people ( Puritans) who were devout and in their words engaged in, “Building a shining city on a hill.” Yes, we were.

As the Colonial society grew into what would become The United States, did the bigotry of some “Christian” sects seep into the cracks of that society? Yes it did, put plainly and simply.

For awhile it was legal to shoot Catholics in Mary’s town, later Maryland. Lord Baltimore put a stop to that foolishness!

Was it legal to shoot anyone seen coming over the border into the Massachussetts Bay colony from Rhode Island? Legal? Hell, it was required that you do so!!! Believe it or not, that law finally came off the books in the late eighties here in Ma.. 1980′s !!

These two, as well as hundreds of instances of others, are why the Constitution was framed as it was.

First, to assure the world that HUMAN RIGHTS, come from where ever you choose to, or WHAT ever you choose to consider, a higher power.NOT FROM MEN!!

It was framed to assure that this government has NO power to take them away. NONE!!

It ,the Constitution, was framed to assure that the sole existance of, THIS CONSTITUTION, is to protect them, enshrine them in such a way, that
Those who follow down the path of whatever destiny this nation has, never forget that. The constitution does not and, was not, formed to GIVE YOU ANY RIGHTS AT ALL!!!

This Constitution was framed and, this form of government, was CRAFTED, to protect your rights, provide for the common defense to do so, and to be that JUST GOVERNMENT, of that shining city on a hill.

We, all of us who pray, ask for wisdom, next time you pray for that, think and, Thank God, or whatever providence you happen to believe in, that the framers and the builders, SOMEHOW, inculcated in our people the thought that, THE JUST LAW,… agreed upon by our citizens,… is to be the ruler, in THIS country. Not whoever happens to presently shine in the cults of personality. The politically popular or the temporarily transcendant.

In the temporary passions we see all around us, as they rise and fall in seeming importance, they become a very poor substitute indeed for WISDOM.

Think of these things as you consider all of this, look into your heart and admit to yourself, that there have been and, will be times, when you yourself are dangerous in your passions and belief and, in the heights of passion are capable in the imprudent statement, or the innapropriate or even violent action that passion brings, as it suspends judgment.

Now, lets all once again, thank all those “old dead white guys” for their skill, wisdom and yes, the passion, to give us what they did….the last best hope of Mankind, That shining city on a hill.


Tawodi, you know that ain’t true. You can teach it in classes, as I did for thirty years, but there’s no truth in it. They pick the candidates they roll before us, and set up the primaries and elections, and give it all the facade that our vote means something, but does it? They slant the media the way they want us to see everything and we vote the way we’re channeled to vote – then we all go off to play our foolish games and wrap ourselves in our tedious little lives while they run the world the way they want to, at our expense – and where do “we” govern in any of this?? In reality, it’s all a facade of bullshyyt – and we except it, and pay the bill, and get mained and die in their wars – and for what?

rebuttal;  You both are right, but I side with Swremwin and here’s why.

I have not given up… my purpose here is the same as it ever was. To give honest perceptions to others to be of some service… no matter what form it may take…for others to use or discard….their choice, as it ever was.

This is all that is left to me, as I am at the end of my journey…or damned near anyway.


The street kid in me will NOT allow that! It is not through arrogance, or that I expect others to pay attention to me, that would be the height of stupidity and I am NOT stupid….but I am damned stubborn!

I REFUSE to believe we, as a people, who have lived the dream of freedom for over two hundred and thirty years, can not find among us the wherewithall to put a stop to this culture of envy that has so adroitly been crafted around us, to the detriment of everyone here! And, the ultimate destruction of this country and the spirit of it’s people!

EVERY -ONE- needs to STOP being a single issue voter..and vote FOR THE COUNTRY!

This means for instance “abortion” if the candidate is for it as a right for women, who gives a damn as long as they believe in the sanctity of the individual….and have a record of being a constitutionalist, then vote for them!

A fiscal conservative? Then vote for them, a constructionist who believes all them dead white guys and William O Douglas as well (a Black man) or Alan Keyes? (ANOTHER BLACK MAN) WELL THEN VOTE FOR THEM!

Can’t walk any more? Can’t drive any more? Then have your neighbor, your son or daughter, whoever! Go and get you an absentee ballot…THEN USE THE DAMNED THING AND VOTE!

I am sick to DEATH of hearing excuses about why nothing happens anymore.

THAT IS HOW THIS CURRENT FOOL GOT INTO OFFICE! Nobody gave enough of a damn to get off their ass!! And go frigging vote against him if nothing else!

The writing was on the wall I, you ,hell WE knew what he is and was… HE told us what he was going to do…why did we NOT stop him?

Single issue voters THAT’S WHY!! WELL!! This guy likes YELLOW jelly beans and everybody knows that isn’t right!!…. if he liked RED jelly beans well….. THEN I’d vote for him…….or some other equally juvenile, senseless…..CRAP!

So as a man, all I can hope to do is PZZZZ you off…and maybe, just MAYBE, that will get you to thinking and you will say to yourself…..AHH…XHIT old T is right, if I don’t stop this crap…… WHO WILL!

You sit in front of your puter and post here…right? Well why not go to blogs and post there! Give your opinion and support to the thousands of others who feel, and think, as you!! Spread the word….the nearest thing you will ever have to having your very own NEWSPAPER!

Now think about it and if you agree in the very least…get off your imaginary ass and DO IT! After all…. like me…. you ain’t doing anything else!

comment; Thomas Paine, a Pamphleteer from England said it all. He concluded America’s well-being would be an act of God’s Providence. He was our hero then. Today, his conclusions would be laughed at and derided as the folly of an affected mind – right? And we wonder why we are a nation in decline – –

This preceded the recital of Thomas Paine’s  ” These are the times that try men’s souls”…   speech.



Even as the quotes of Thomas Paine are raised in print from your hand, you fail to rise to the sound of the guns and stand your ground, not in fear, you have established yourself as too brave a man for that, but in the feeling you have nothing left to give.!

To this I say to you, lead me! Show me the way you are far better educated than I…LEAD ME so that in these my final days, I may come up with the words, yea even perhaps the DEEDS, that may inspire others to then…. LEAD others.

You quote the words of the esteemed Mr. Paine and forget that he and less than a third of the men who lived here then, STOOD and resisted the fatal apathy of fear, took heart and fought and died that we now, some two hundred and thirty five years later, may take heart again and not die but simply STAND AND SAY….ENOUGH!! IT ALL STOPS HERE…AND CAST A VOTE!

You SIR, can still be a light to others with your knowledge, your constancy, and your spirit, if you can but escape the trap of despair that you have allowed to form in your mind. As I have raised my children to believe to their betterment…IF, YOU think you CAN’T, you’re right, you CAN’T! But, if you think you CAN…. well then you just Might! And that is all the guarantee any of us ever have, to free ourselves from the trap we create in our own minds, the most vicious, most ensnaring, the most hideous of ALL, for it is we who have created it!

As for me Sir, I will stand…With you, or with out you, I WILL STAND!


There were three Thomases. One doubted Christ until he touched the wounds. One crossed the sea to America to call it to awakenss, then fought as a private in its Armies. Another coined high-minded words, but turned his back to Christ and ran for his life, leaving his wife and family to fend for themselves when the Dragoons approached – –


Hmmmmm not bad, but what about US, never mind those Thomas’s…. THEY’RE DEAD!


Well, kinda sorta…..


A judge told me once that he thought military service should be mandatory, with a two year commitment. Perhaps after health care is mandatory (?) we could put that in place and better help and guide our children.

ps sounds a bit like Hitler to me, the blue-eyed blond hair children.

This from a younger person this generation;


My generation was the last, that faced mandatory service to the country.

By caving in to the runaway intelligentsia of the sixties and seventies, we became captivated by and then inured, to the idea, that the individual need make NO contribution to this country and it’s way of life. They also stopped civics classes in the late sixties and no longer REALLY teach just WHAT civics ARE!! Other than to outline all the gimmy’s you get as a citizen. You know those “entitlements” that others earn for you? You know those freedoms that you enjoy that some sap went out and served, and in some cases….. died for! Those rights that allow you to trash a whole city and the peace and civil serenity that the citizens have worked and paid for because you think you shouldn’t HAVE TO…even for your “HIGHER EDUCATION”…THERE’S A FRIGGING LAUGH!! Talk about misleading “descriptive verbiage”…. Higher education my ASS! Look how they….USE IT!

And now you compare those people from the generation before mine and mine itself as being willing pawns of NAZI’S!!??!!

Well…sir….you may take a flying_ ****_ at a rolling doughnut!!

People like me still understand to have all that we have, you NEED to work for it. You need to sacrifice for it. You need to suffer for the fruits of your labor most times

Do you wish to know WHY?

Because then, as now, when we give these things to you, they are worth EXACTLY WHAT YOU PAID FOR THEM! To you, they have no intrinsic worth because, OTHERS, sacrificed what was necessary to accomplish the goals…we lived and died so you would not have to, We left service and worked for forty some years for you to advance to the point, where you now can slander our lives, our sacrifices, and our dreams, FOR YOU, and call us “MAYBE LIKE NAZI’S!!!

Here comes that rolling doughnut again, you may want to catch it this time………..Wanna know WHY??

Well us old farts are damned tired of listening to some body with no accomplishments of their own, belittle ours! All those toys you are playing with???? WE INVENTED THEM FOR YOU…YOU IDIOTS!! You had better damned well get over your selves and get to work and do, YOUR PART!

Now OPHIDIOPHOBIA, all of this is NOT directed at you….the “you” being, in this case, “GENERIC”

It is directed at those who do the things I mentioned with impunity…at least in their myopic eyes!


A person who “claims” citizenship in the Republic without serving it first is nothing but a greasy slug. So was the thought of the time in Athens when the concept of “Republic” was invented, and so should it be now. I do believe Socrates served as a general in his youth – –

That’s why I have great respect for Thomas Paine. He was a British Subject come here to awake America to its chance at Freedom and Democracy. But he just didn’t write words, he enlisted in the American Army, though not a Citizen of the Colonies. He was offered a chance at being an Officer or NCO, but he refused both, preferring to serve in the ranks only as a “high private” – a great man . .

These are again the Times that Try Mens Souls. The problem is, too many Americans now believe they don’t have one to worry about – –

If we magically cut our government by half and our taxes by half, we might just have the money in our pockets to buy the stuff we need – ya think? That’s why I follow Conservative rather than Progressive Politicians. Progressives are always looking for new ways to creat expensive programs, build giant Bureaucracies (sp) for them, then dive into our wallets and debt to pay for them. Time to stop that completely, or end up like Greece, Spain and Italy – bankrupt!

Not being the possessors of true “magic”, must rely on the written word to work our magic for us…… in the minds of others.This is called entering the arena of ideas….to sway the minds of the people….it is accomplished with FACTS……NOT as some would believe, with magic!

We see every day the results of “magic” from the Lamestream Media….at least it seems sometimes like that. But, is it truely magic, or is it simply plastic banana, goodtime rock and roll, BULLXHIT!?!

We see on these threads every day the presentation of ideas that come from that “mainstream’ and they are best described when properly examined as A CROCK OF PURE, UNADULTERATED CRAP!

FROM WHENCE….The beginning post of this thread.

There are over four thousand local, county, citywide, and state, news papers across this country…..There are over two thousand six hundred cable stations, local broadcast stations, and There among them, those that are V.H.F. AND U.H.F. That are broadcast as well. This includes NONE of the public stations, or universities or college stations, that broadcast also.

In the printed and broadcast media in poll, after poll, after poll, they come up with a 93…to….96 percent liberal to conservative staff ratio…..THIS is CALLED a FACT!!

Of the cable stations, from one central broadcast facility, guess how many FOX stations there are that are considered conservative? ELEVEN, yep that’s it, eleven!

All the other affiliates such as fox 25 out of Woostershire (Wooster) Massachusetts are considered LIBERAL!


Almost all the big city markets are treated as if they were the sole property of the liberal establishment……there again, a nasty little FACT!!

Internet blogs that are rated in the “net parlance” of readable, outstrip the liberal to the tune of 71% conservative, to 22% liberal The rest undecided.

I published, for almost five YEARS, THREE of the top rated five thousand in the world all over the world! ( Source; Verve Earth statistical rating and listing service no longer extent Since being purchased by Google)

My life, religion, Family, blog this year already has over two thousand hits and climbing and many of those hits are linked to Facebook and other linkage services across the net by ping back services, spiders, and two or three others I don’t quite understand how they work.

There are thousands of other blogs rated as good or better than mine out there. You can write into and leave cogent comments or even submit articles to, for them to publish and disseminate across the country, and the world!

This is what I meant when I said that this is the next best thing to having your very own newspaper!! It wasn’t just a throw away line!

Now do you really want to complain about NOT HAVING A VOICE AND THAT EVERYTHING IS BULLXHIT!!!

18 or so votes in Idaho a few months ago should dispel that myth! Or 535 or so votes in the Florida Panhandle can dispel the rest of those myths as well!

I will bet you any money you care to name that Al Gore doesn’t think it’s a MYTH!

Some of you guys are pretty damned smart and write pretty well too! Come in, the water’s fine! Check it OUT fellas and gals….you’re gonna be frigging AMAZED!

AND….TA…DA!!….Blogs are FREE!! go to Google or WordPress and sign up and start writing. You can have as many as you can fill, for FREE, on those two platforms alone!

I still own the domain name, Tree of The Mustard Seed Ministries, but took it down (the web page) cause right now, I need to save money. That’s why, if you have looked for it, it has been gone about four months now.

You don’t need hot links to find me, just Google my name…….. You can get to all the blogs that way.

This concludes this conversation on another site I engaged in. It  concerned being active, or simply waking the hell UP and admit you are one of the slugs, you so describe as such! Do any of you now reading this… SEE THAT?  It has become pernicious as all get out,  how many people feel disenfranchised this way. The apathy has been carefully crafted by our leaders to cause it and then…. for them to gather power to themselves to control us….. YOU AND ME !!

As always follow the MONEY and POWER……and then wake UP! Follow your heart…This is the most important election of the century now before us…DO NOT vote for your self….vote for your GRANDCHILDREN.
Be well all Rev. Bruce………………………………..Tawodi

Posted in life | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Secular Philosophic presentation….with refutation by Rev. Bruce for the REAL World

Posted by tawodi on April 9, 2012

Here is a further presentation of a person’s,  “personal Philosophy”  based on modern “assertiveness theory.”

There was more presented than you see here,  but I have taken the liberty of editing it to eliminate those things that took away from his “basic assertions” to show why…In my opinion, as one human to another this can be a pzzz poor way to treat people if you’re not damned careful about it!


EVERYONE NEEDS: Liberty, peace, health, sex, mind exercise, knowledge,
personal associations, art and creativity, character and a sense of
justice, and to be assertive (to be able to say “no” without feeling

(I have added here a couple phrases to Mortimer Adler’s definition of happiness).

Also assertive behavior is associated with happiness

The Science of Assertiveness theory — aka folk knowledge (trial and error science)

Assertive (Leadership) behavior of humans: Builds relationships

Will the long-term affects be worse than any short-term discomfort I may feel if I am assertive in the first place?

The word “NO”, may have to be repeated over and over, as in a broken record.

An angry and loud communication can be assertive if one is expressing feelings (Using the word “I”, ( I am really god damn anger at you …)

vs. HOSTILE behavior-destroys a relationship: … You dumb ass, didn’t your mother teach you to report to work on time, etc. etc. Why, didn’t you do such and such….

If someone has a habit of saying, “Why, don’t you do such and such…” we all understand this to mean “I want you” to do such and such. There seems to be some kind of a minor taboo in our culture against people saying straight up, that they want.
On the use of the word YOU:

…the use of the word “you” is assertive when a person is acting in the role of boss, parent, or leader, for example, a law enforcer, a teacher, the chair of a meeting.

“You are expected to” (follow the rules, etc) , then every time the other person comes up with excuses, sob stories, etc, repeating this phase again and again (“You are expected to” (aka using the broken record shows the other person that you are not afraid to stand your ground and they need for them to rethink their poor behavior.

But remember being skeptically silent is assertive. Meaning if I try to get the last word.. will I get punched in the nose or some other bad result.

Speaking up in a group to speak is assertive because one is taking the “psychological space” of the whole group.

Hostile behavior: A person uses sarcasm and intimidation to get what they want. One may get what they want, but destroys the relationship afterwards.
It is easy to give up the benefits of hostile behavior when I value myself enough to avoid getting agitated over minor issues and when I am imperfect and incorrect.

Non-assertive behavior: (shy behavior) doing nothing about unpleasant situations and simply try to ignore ones feelings and desires. While it may prevent conflicts with others, one probably will wind up feeling helpless, exploited, angry, and disappointed with one’s self. Being “too shy” to do something.

For example, “I am sorry to bother you.” This is an example, of how being NICE sucks us into a non-assertive down-hill fall. vs. “I want to talk to you.” “ I need your help or I need or want to talk to you.”

or “It was nice talking to you.” (when it wasn’t and you didn’t enjoy talking to them).

Basic Assertive Rights:

1. The right to act in ways that promote my dignity and self-respect as long as others’ rights are not violated in the process.
2. The right to be treated with respect.
3. The right to say no and not feel guilty.
4. The right to experience and express feelings.
5. The right to take time to slow down and think.
6. The right to change my mind.
7. The right to ask for what I want.
8. The right to do less than I are humanly capable of doing.
9. The right to ask for information.
10. The right to make mistakes.
11. The right to feel good about myself.
Must I always assert my rights?
No, I am always free to choose not to assert myself, assuming that I am also willing to take the responsibility for whatever consequences may then occur.
” I don’t have to be assertive all the time”. Or “I don’t have to be perfect.. I have a right to make mistakes.”

Source: The Assertive Option by Patricia Jakubowski and Arthur J. Lange
and NO TRESPASSING by Barker and Barker.


In the following I included the list of his “basic assertive rights,” again,   for clarity of presentation. If you re-read the upper portion though you will see that the whole premise is shot full of holes from the git go…..At the end of the presentation I explain how and why. ENJOY!….AND AS ALWAYS……..CHOOSE WISELY……………..TAWODI.

Basic Assertive Rights:

1. The right to act in ways that promote my dignity and self-respect as long as others’ rights are not violated in the process.
2. The right to be treated with respect.
3. The right to say no and not feel guilty.
4. The right to experience and express feelings.
5. The right to take time to slow down and think.
6. The right to change my mind.
7. The right to ask for what I want.
8. The right to do less than I are humanly capable of doing.
9. The right to ask for information.
10. The right to make mistakes.
11. The right to feel good about myself.
Must I always assert my rights?
No, I am always free to choose not to assert myself, assuming that I am also willing to take the responsibility for whatever consequences may then occur.
” I don’t have to be assertive all the time”. Or “I don’t have to be perfect.. I have a right to make mistakes.”
Source: The Assertive Option by Patricia Jakubowski and Arthur J. Lange
and NO TRESPASSING by Barker and Barker.

While I find your treatise interesting it kinda falls short in several respects. As latter day Philosophical arguments are wont to do.

I must admit that most of it will stand a simple examination sort of only at the surface of it but I will outline my exceptions and give you the WHY at the end of my post.

Assertiveness training is largely a crock and here’s why.

Basic Assertive Rights:

1. The right to act in ways that promote my dignity and self-respect as long as others’ rights are not violated in the process. [Granted; Not bad on surface examination, but there are corollaries extent, for instance; who decides the “right” of the issue? ]

2. The right to be treated with respect. [ To be treated with respect in almost any surrounding isgranted by earning it Not simply because you demand it. What makes you special?]

3. The right to say no and not feel guilty. [granted; unless it comes from risk assessment to your self…. and not to others!]]

4. The right to experience and express feelings.[Granted; You should be aware though,  your assumption here…. is that anyone CARES how you feel about the issue at hand….. Sorry about that. ]

5. The right to take time to slow down and think.[ Granted;  if time permits…but remember…. it will NOT BE…. if you do not grant that same luxury to others under your charge.]

6. The right to change my mind.[ Granted;  Only someone with an ossified mind would refute this. As long as you are willing to bear the expense, and consequences, of doing so.]

7. The right to ask for what I want. [Granted]….just don’t expect to get it.

8. The right to do less than I are ( sic)…. (am)…. humanly capable of doing. [Granted;  reciprocity being an equal granting of “the right” by you…… When you are the one who is forced to make excuses for poor production performance]

9. The right to ask for information. [Granted;  one cannot proceed very well in any endeavor without accurate information……. Be ready to say you didn’t understand what you were told though.]

10. The right to make mistakes. [Granted;  Every body does…Are you ready to stand and say…. NO EXCUSE SIR!…. If so then…. Carry on!]

11. The right to feel good about myself. [Granted;  IF you deserve to! ]

Must I always assert my rights?

No, I am always free to choose not to assert myself,  assuming that I am also willing to take the responsibility for whatever consequences may then occur. [WHAT responsibility? You didn’t offer any thing to what ever develops, did you?] Ergo: cheap cop out!

” I don’t have to be assertive all the time”. [Granted;  Because that would be a little overbearing wouldn’t it?]

Or “I don’t have to be perfect”….” I have a right to make mistakes.” [Granted;…. Asked and answered.]

Sir; please understand that my issue is not with you, but, when a piece is delivered by some one else… even if attributed to them…. and then claimed as a personal philosophy,…. well then it AIN’T very damned personal then….. IS IT?

It BEGS,  literally BEGS,  to be defeated  seriatum,  ( or, in detail.)

But for modern day philosophy, being what that is….. I would rate it at about fifty per cent….. on the conscience scale.

Be well friends…………….Rev. Bruce……………………………Tawodi

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Contemporary Secular or Relativistic Morality

Posted by tawodi on April 5, 2012

This is from the Military,com forums, where I regularly contribute to the exchanges there between active service members and Veterans who participate.

When I started this thread I fully expected to meet with a storm of resistance. Well I haven’t really and those that disagree seem to be holding their fire so far, as perhaps they research their responses.

I applaud them for that, as it is, as it should be, for a discussion to proceed so as to approach a concensus. Not that there will ever really BE a concensus as too many variables exist to do so….we, none of us, myself included, can convince others we have an answer much less all the answers, to either side of the question.

Now I will proceed to perhaps the pre-eminent of those lauded by atheists and agnostics, and others, who attempt to refute the connections to humanity and the consideration of linkage between morals and conscience. Dr. Richard Dawkins.

In 2006 he published a treatise that purported to present the “scientific argument” against free will and personal responsibility.

In his treatise he surmised that mankind was strictly a product of our environmental conditions in which we were raised by our parents and the place, family framework, social structure and surrounding social environment.

Now this weighty tome was quite the read,  if you lack a brain,  because the whole thing is flawed by positing the argument that it did.  I for one,  being living proof of that flaw and so, damned near, is most of humanity in the modern world especially here in America.

Why? Well since the entire theory posits that we will be so heavily influenced by our prior experiences we are incapable of changing ourselves or our surroundings by an exercise of free will.

In point of fact this publication also went so far as to proclaim with great fanfare among the intelligentsia of the liberal elite, that free will not only didn’t exist, but that it was impossible….FOR…… IT TO EXIST!

Now when you begin to examine the flaws and failures of this modern society we live in
You MUST consider,  that the modern liberal Psychiatric community and that of the Psychological associations agree almost to a person that this is so. Beginning with good old Sigmund Freud,  Jungian theories and so many others,  if you want to know who go look it up yourself, I ’haven’t the time ! In fact Dawkins even made these following statements in this tome of intelligent comments, which I quote for your edification. Don’t thank me, too many people take this man seriously!

1. “Doesn’t a truly scientific, mechanistic view of the human nervous system make nonsense of the very idea of responsibility?”

2. Any crime, however heinous, is in principle to be blamed on antecedent conditions acting through the accused’s physiology, heredity and environment.”

3. Dawkins even made the statement that…and I quote once again, “ Isn’t the murderer or rapist just a machine with a defective part?”

Now how to put this in perspective? First you must understand I may be guilty of condensing it just a smidgeon! Trust me,  there was a whole lot more verbiage and bluster and quite frankly, bloviating,  to cover any apparent errors in judgement or need I say….reasoning?

How can I get you to grasp my meaning but by anology. You know I love them!

You are driving your car to somewhere….it breaks down… step from the vehicle with an iron bar and begin beating the car with it!!

This what Dawkins and others are suggesting! There is no point to punishing people for their crimes…THEY HAD NO CHOICE!! They’ve got a bad transmission…or something!

Now so you can understand further,  let us go back in time to the Menedez Brother’s trial for the double murder of their mother and father. If the memory is fuzzy I will clear it for you,  then you can remember your disbelief and rage at the verdict.

ENTER; The frizzy headed blond ( blond….?  is there a joke here?) no, unfortunately there is not. I certainly wish I could be more emphatic, but you can only do so much with italics!

She was the one hold out on the Jury, which caused the Judge to declare a mistrial. In front of the cameras she Quite emotionally stated……” I could NOT vote for conviction!” “They are ORPHANS!”

I saw it,  most of you saw it,  it was all over television for days, remember? Well I certainly do. How about the O.J. trial? There has never been a trial presented with so much clear and damning evidence presented in modern America as that one…..the verdict? Not guilty.

Do you now begin to see what happens when everybodies looking for a pass! This is the world we live in now.

Now are there humans with little or even NO…. conscience? You bet the pants hanger behind you there are!  BUT, do they get a pass to continue to prey on humanity because they’ve got “bad parts” Or do we lock them up and throw away the ROOM if we have to…. to protect others…. never MIND punishment…Or even worse….. correction.

No Prison ever corrected anyone ever! It only “educated them that if they did that or some thing worse there would be a penalty for it…WHY? Because WE as a society SAID SO…….THAT”S….. WHY!! Some things are right…. somethings are wrong….CHOOSE WISELY…….sound familiar? It should.

So…to surmise what does all this mean. Well they mean on the serious side that the denial of free will is neither scientific nor sensible. One may say with all seriousness that science is,  that science that depends on cause and effect to be understood….. as science!

The study of conscience is far more difficult, in that it consists of minutia so small, over so long a time, as to be virtually indecipherable even with a computer. We can study the squiggles on an E.E.G. chart but to decipher what they mean, except in the physical aspects of them, is impossible! We cannot read the squiggles with out the patient telling us what they were thinking! This is also irrefutable.

To suggest that conscience is from the physical is ludicrous in the extreme….Wanna know why….not even you some times know why you “did” something! So explain to me how is THAT possible if it’s all physical. And yes I know about the lizard brain…..and it’s no frigging excuse for your actions except in times of almost fatal stress and reaction!
Times of passion don’t cut it in my book I ALWAYS knew what I was doing no matter how Pzzzd I was!!  What stopped me from acting,  was the knowledge of the consequences, to me, the focus of the anger, (which isn’t always another person) or to my family. Threaten them or me physically then it didn’t matter to me, you’re going down and then we might discuss further developments! My conscience was engaged every second of the confrontation and you’d better believe I knew it! So I refuse to buy the cheap crap excuses we hear every day from these fools that have brought this upon us and insist in forcing us to swallow it .

Free will A modest scientist would immediately concede that science says nothing at all about free will as a spirituality, anymore than it can deny the existence of God.
A materialistic or mechanistic view of the universe that leaves no room for the possibility of spiritual realities, is not a scientific one at all but a philosophical one. There is nothing scientific about denying that possibility.

Now we come to the chicken or the egg part of the discussion. Which came first…conscience or free will.

Well Theologically you MUST have conscience….. to HAVE free will! That is what your conscience is…. FOR! To allow you to choose. The right from the wrong…simple ain’t it…till you use it to solve real life problems THAT presents the difficulties I mentioned before and need not be restated here. Why do you NEED to be able to choose? Well if you have no choice then you DON’T have free will do you? Again Theologically speaking The first commandment (per Jesus) IS…”Love the Lord God with all your heart, all your spirit, all your mind and all your strength”

Without free will there is no love.  There can not be with no choice in the matter. In the case of no choice why would you even need a mind! You would not, everything would be rote repetition of previous experience. I have seen all the arguments about birds build nests and yes they do and according to their species they all build them somewhat differently don’t they…..Why don’t doves all build different KINDS of nests to support that argument. Why don’t beavers build condominiums….. instead of dams with sticks and mud…yeah they’er pretty good dams….. but not much good for anything else are they? That is NOT creation of the new is it? It is rote learned repetition as that is all they are capable of.

And so it is with free will and conscience with out one there is no need of the other.

So here’s the deal folks! You can continue to live with your scientific theories as your sole form of accepting you existence….I will live with my spirituality as mine.

You can NOT prove quite a bit of what you present most times, neither can I at least to you who have never experienced the spiritual in a believable, to you, way.

Be well friends…………..Rev Bruce………………….Tawodi

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Posted by tawodi on March 25, 2012

For years I, and others, have argued that morality and more importantly, Conscience, are inextricably interlinked. In these arguments we are told that secular humanism can supply the same morals that religion does….which I and others agree with….to a degree.

In really delving into the ramifications of all these arguments though, I have always felt the pieces missing to the debate and have been unable to quantify just why.

A few months ago I stumbled on something and it is this.

Why not, as is so often done, turn their arguments back upon those who do the same to us….with such telling results, in some circumstances.

I continued to consider this and came to the conclusion that I just wanted T i t for tat, and that is no argument what-so-ever. It is specious sophistry at the very best.

Sophistry…. !!WHAM!!…. Holy Hannah!! that’s IT!

Sophistry comes from the NAME, Sophocles, another great Philosopher, do the research and then refute it using their own presentations.

How to do that honestly….honesty being of paramount importance in any debate, or argument, as the logical fallacies that are perhaps introduced by yourself, will utterly defeat your own presentation.

So first, let us begin with,

SOCRATES; He posited that the knowledge of right and wrong, is what makes us accountable for our actions. conversely, he posits that moral faults are the consequence of ignorance of the “Good”.

PLATO; Also subscribed to this as well, in as much as he surmised that whoever knows the “good”…. will do it!

This is, pointedly, the projection of their own goodness onto humanity in general, and palpably, factually and provably, FALSE.

ARISTOTLE; He posited that morality could not stem from this and pointed to another analysis in his refutation their premise and and gave his own presentation of this logical fallacy.

Aristotelian Philosophy being some what more logical in presentation, and fact, does come closer to the mark, in that he posited that this was, by simple observation, wrong As those so instructed still chose to do wrong!

He surmised that there were four basic divisions of morality and they were constructed as follows. Virtuous, restrained….unrestrained and vicious….in descending order.

VIRTUOUS; Those who do good spontaneously and happily.

RESTRAINED; Those who do good, but only after much huffing and puffing, strutting and posing. In short, internal argument with their conscience.

UNRESTRAINED; These are the ones who know what they should do but give in to their passions and weakness and do wrong, with very little conscious conflict.

VICIOUS; Those who, when confronted with a choice, will do evil with absolutely no internal conflict with conscience, felt or even experienced!

His presentation of these four “groups,” broken down as it is, and then condensed to two categories, lays itself open to defeat seriatum, because any argument from the general to the specific, fails because there are ALWAYS exceptions to the general presentation. which leads to defeat seriatum…(in detail)

Now let us examine this further.

In his presentation we can see the progression of the classes with this simple example.

Your mother calls down to you and asks you to bring her, her purse. It is to be found on the kitchen counter and her wallet is beside it. You put the wallet in it and bring it to her.
VIRTUOUS; He will go and bring her the purse with no second thoughts.

RESTRAINED; He will see the wallet and know it has money in it looks inside and, the conflict begins! How much can he get away with? Any? Some? ALL!? And around, and around, he goes until finally…. he puts the money back, puts the wallet in the purse and brings it to her.

UNRESTRAINED; the same argument ocures as above BUT! He decides to take a dollar as he surmises she will never miss just a buck for Pete’s sake! obviously consumed by his weakness and passions for personal gain at whomever’s expense.

VICIOUS; Goes gets the purse,sees the wallet, empties it throws the wallet in the garbage grinder waits a moment and brings her the purse…. wallet? WHAT wallet mom? No internal conflict here! Nope, nu uh, none!

AND NOW TA DA!!; We have good old…..

ROUSEAU; He’s the one who came up with the good old “Bon Suavage”. In this treatise he posits that it is only by association in, and with, society in general we lose our sense of “goodness”

Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is self contradictory, as it belies the FACT that it is that same society that GIVES us religion and morality concepts of the day, and time, and culture we live in!! Talk about a logical fallacy!!

When Capt. Cook was EATEN in Hawaii was that the example of Le Bon Suavage?

When James Town was wiped out, OR The people on Roanoke disappeared, another example of Le Bon Suavage? Dearborn in Illinois, Another?

Well THIS could be given as the evolutionary bon sauvage but certainly NOT the religious example of conscience.

Now let us move into the area of Religious morals and secular, humanistic moral relativism.

In religious morals, some things are always good and some things are always wrong. It is in life that the application becomes difficult, as then we have to deal with realities and the consequence to others feelings, actions, reception of our choices, and the consequences to them if what we, or they, did was illegal and now they, or us, may have to face punishment.

It is important to note here, that so far, I have not used the word “sin” or “sinful”. In my mind they are, rightfully, able to be juxtaposed, one with another at any time. I don’t like to use the word “sin” as it is a “trigger word” to many and especially Atheists…or Humanists and they stop listening, or thinking, when they hear them. For which, really, they can’t be blamed. The same way the religious react when we are called, superstitious congenital idiots!

Kinda self defeating, trying to communicate with people that way… ain’t it!?

LAW…Secular Humanism and Moral Relativism ;

Secular Humanism assumes that human beings can, with no guidance from any supreme being, create laws that will guide us the same way.

They also assume that these self same “laws” will form the “New Human Conscience” for the future. They then tell us in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS THEY WILL BROOK NO OBJECTIONS TO THIS…. “TRUTH”……You can not legislate morals!!!



If morals can not be legislated, then just what the hell are you doing????

Can you legislate a conscience? Can you legislate right and wrong feelings? Can you legislate things that are free of black and white and apply this morality where none ever have attempted to be so arrogant?? Or… been successful at before in all of human history?

In your world of “moral relativism” we know damned well what the results are! We see them every flipping day! Children murdered by their parents and others and given a pass, sometimes set free, Why? Because they, (the murderers) were found not responsible. People being murdered in our streets and those responsible are made victims, because their mom’s took away their tinker toys when they were twelve, or some other such… CRAP!

Or the ones who chop up their families with an axe and they have the excuse that they were abused! THIS is what moral relativism brings us, all this and more.

Because people are no longer struggling with their conscience…. THEY DON’T HAVE ONE!! It has been nearly legislated away….Why?…. Well ya see… it’s like this, cultural relativism teaches us that in our culture others may find our beliefs wrong…and that is so…but then we are to take into account those people in our laws and then try and craft a society from the result? GOOD LUCK! HOW’S THAT WORKIN’ FOR YA SO FAR?

O.K.  Since we have been the single most successful nation to ever grace the earth and are the ones that are always counted on to bring succor to the suffering, freedom to the oppressed, and all those other things that have been  demanded of us by the Europeans, and others, when, and where, did we become so frigging EVIL!!

I would suggest to you it began in the early sixties when the intelligentsia finally gave custody of the asylums, schools and other institutions, over to the insane…or at least the young, with skulls full of mush, who didn’t KNOW didlly squat and because they hit people in their liberal guilt, they were successful in doing so!

So inform us please, Oh Great Ones, just WHAT are we to replace a well formed fully functioning and well integrated conscience…. WITH!

Because here’s the rub…where does conscience come from? Are you going to tell me it just evolved? Well then where did it devolve.. to… in just the last thirty five years!? I mean come ON…if it evolved, then we took millions of years to do so…right? Or as we see now, some in their desparation to remove belief in some supreme being are running shows AD NAUSEUM ALL OVER TELEVISION THAT [I]ALIENS Are responsible for all our gains as human beings and our “legends of Gods”.

I see this as being more desperate than a horni sailor after closing time in a bar! You expect to bring this as your argument now!?! O.K. give it a shot….you will probably be just as successful as you have been trying to eradicate religion in the past.

Your offerings and arguments have fallen far short of the mark….just sayin’

Be well friends…..Rev. Bruce…………………………..Tawodi

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A SIMPLE QUESTION ASKED…….What did early Christian meetings look like..?

Posted by tawodi on March 22, 2012

As most of you know I spend time on the Military. com site. While there I and others are asked many questions about religion and the duties of Clergy in general. I took this opportunity to answer one and thought to bring it here for you to ponder and consider…. those very early days before we had sects and divisions, there was only one WAY to follow. that of Jesus the Massiach.

[QUOTE] Early Christian meetings were primarily centered around a shared meal. [UNQUOTE] CPL BUCKLEY.

That was one thing that would stand out. It was called a love feast in those times, something that still exists as Lay ministers and others can do this instead of consecrating the elements of the Eucharist, which they cannot. If the host is blessed by someone in the Apostolic line of succession, (something rather hazy today) then the laity can hold Communion services, which of course is considered a Sacrament.

Baptism is also a Sacrament and there are only two such in most protestant churches, unlike the Catholic Church which considers many rituals Sacraments….such as marriage for instance. In protestant churches the oath, between the woman and the man, is the Sacrament, not the ceremony.

Of course that is not true in some of them!

After the feast, they would discuss Scripture and since they had only what is now known as the Old Testament that was the Holy book under discussion. Most of these discussion centered around prophesy, as one can understand.

As Peter, Silas, Paul, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, (Saul of Tarsus) Ananias, Phillip, Mathias, and Matthew, travelled a bit and some of course on missionary journeys of many miles and great lengths of time, they exchanged ideas, letters and word of mouth communications with one congregation or another. They became known as “Followers of The Way” The symbol, as most know, was the fish…as per Jesus telling the first disciples, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men”

The Chrysanthamum and the Rose were also early symbols of Christianity as well. It was somewhere around 60 to 75 A.D. that the Cross started to be used as the Christian symbol of the sect. The Chrysanthemum was used on funerary things like Ossuaries and tomb markings, to symbolize the return of life with resurrection.

Three of these are still used today. The Cross of course the fish and the Rose. When some thing is to be kept secret for instance, a rose is placed in a tall vase on the table and then the conversation takes place. After the conversation the rose is burned and the vase is destroyed marking the end of the secret session. From this comes the phrase, “Under the Rose”, to imply the utmost secrecy of the subject at hand. Also the red of the Rose is used to designate the red color and sacrifice of the Sacred heart, as well as it being said that apparitions of Mary, are always accompanied by the scent of roses.

And so, the Followers of the way progressed to ever more formally conducted meetings of prayer, sermonizing, (teaching or “preaching” which means the same thing) and ritual. Which at first consisted of telling the sayings that the disciples and others who remembered Jesus as having said…. and then, finally, about 40 A.D. they began to be written down.

Before you jump my “stuff”. Let me explain that fragments from this period are still in hand with-in the Vatican library/museum, but are virtually useless for any purpose. They DO have over nine hundred fragments from those times but the earliest useful tracts, that exist today, are from about one fifty to two hundred A.D. as most already know.

About eighty years ago it was thought that one of the first copies of “Revelations” of St. John of Patmos had been found, but carbon dating left it in doubt as samples of enough size failed to be obtained, and so it goes.

So, as you can see…. those early meetings were much like today’s house gatherings of worshippers to feast, discuss, worship and share in the experience, of forming a relationship of a personal nature with God, and Jesus The Christ…to enrich their lives in understanding and fellowship.

Be well friends….Rev. Bruce……………………..Tawodi

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This is turning out to be a hell of a year!

Posted by tawodi on March 10, 2012

First off let me say it is good to still be here…At ALL!!  Next let me say I will NOT expand on that comment…yet!

Next,… I guess the announcment that the People of Abraham Group may be closing…. as I have neither the time or the health to continue writing there and doing what is necessary for it to carry on with no-one at the helm,  so to speak.

Now as you all know the political scene is heating up and promises to be nothing pretty to see,  as it rolls toward the next election. But, we need to change what is ocurring in this country or we won’t HAVE a country, at least as we have come to understand it, … and our selves…. as a country.

And that is all for politics now.

I have gone into full retirement from my ministry of visitation and hospice care… as I no longer have the physical resources to continue at that either.  Wow,  this is turning into a whole lot of…” I ain’t doin’ that anymore”…..but that is what has,  and IS,  happening on the personal front with me.

I will stop for now,  as this is the first time I have had the opurtunity to write here,  as well as the inclination,  since last February, as you can easily see from the article dates on the blog.

I WILL be writing more,  as there is a great deal for me to do here in the very near future,  for those who will follow in what I am doing, both in ministry and elsewhere.

That’s all for now,  take care and be well friends….God Bless you all……Rev. Bruce…….Tawodi

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Posted by tawodi on February 22, 2011

Most of us have watched the events unfold over the last seven or eight weeks in the Middle East, beginning with the demonstrations in Egypt which focused most Americans in on the events and then leading to seven different countries and the protests there for “democracy”. It seems the beginning was in Tunisia,  then moved to,  briefly,  Kuwait, Jordan, then to Egypt,  Yemen,  Algeria,  Libya,   The United Arab Emirates and now even small demonstrations are being seen in Iran.

Many of us that have done work in various phases of interfaith efforts and other venues of bridge building between peoples have seen two sides to this coin. The hopeful side that wants real democracy and the other side that wants Sharia law installed in a government that perforce becomes a theocracy,  which could mean another Iran.

Of course there will be differences all through the mix as well. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is repeatedly sited as a moderating force, but they were NOT the ones who started the demonstrations in Egypt and are relative late comers to the show. But because they have an organised structure it may be easy for them to rise to the top of negotiations and setting up whatever government is to follow.

Supposedly they call themselves moderates, and have at least spoken that way.  But,  the other branches of the Brotherhood,  in other countries,  are not moderate and have elemants of Hamas and Hizbollah and others that are downright terrorist organizations. That naturally concerns people everywhere. Especially in the western world.  And of course Israel.

In Egypt there have been very heartening examples of the people giving succor and support one to another regardless of religion or politics and that is a great hope lifter. In many instances they have shouted,  ” Christian or Muslim, we  are EGYPTIANS FIRST!  This brings great hope that the people’s will to enter the twenty first century alongside the western secular governments that assure freedom of what ever someone believes, and that it can be practiced in safety and security. I myself believe that is the hope of most people no matter where they live or in what country they reside.

With freedom comes responsibility to one another,  as few realise who have never had true freedom before,  but it is a hard learned lesson that has been brought to the people as an example in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Hard won indeed as so many want to hold power over those who are different and subjugate them anew.

It is my fondest wish that we will see the honest brokering with the people and their militaries and current and future leaders for shared power and responsibility in the countries as they shake off the bonds of Monarchies and dictatorships that have endured for,  in some cases,  1400 years!

Let us all pray for these people and the countries they live in that they can find peace,  liberty, and true equality in these perilous times.

Rev. Bruce Holzrichter Sr.  Pastor,  Tree of The Mustard Seed Ministries  and  Co-founder..The People of Abraham,  Christians,  Muslims and Jews.

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It is TIME The People of Abraham Christians,Muslims and Jews.

Posted by tawodi on February 8, 2011


With all the changes occuring in the world around us, the time has come to begin a membership drive for The People of Abraham, Christians, Muslims and Jews.
The group was begun in 2007 with the goal of bringing people together to discuss and form ways of accepting one another not as people of different beliefs who could not co-exist together, but as religious people who worshipped God understanding that God has a name and to some He is God, to others He is I AM, yet to others still, He is ALLAH, the one God.

It is with this in mind that many have come to read and learn from our example. The principle of mutual respect has grown in many instances into one of genuine love for people who are different but still are people with all the same goals that HUMANS have.

The first is to live free to worship in their own way. The second is to be safe in their persons and families. The third is to be accepted as our fellow citizens of the United States and the world, and not some nefarious OTHER to be afraid of, to see in suspicion or as a threat to the status quo.

Most of these people, be they Muslim, Christian, or Jew, simply want to be left alone to live and prosper. Raise their families, educate their children and pass peacefully into a future secure in these same ways, for those children.

Many of our friends have seen my writing and that of Robert Salaam the other co-founder of The People of Abraham and see what we have attempted and are accomplishing on a fairly small scale.

With this history I have contacted several friends who are members and asked them point blank, “Is it time to ask all of our friends and acquaintences into the fold?” Or will many of them be put off because I am a Christian Minister and be suspicious of that, and me, to ask this way. In each and every case they assured me I would be accepted because of my track record and that one of the best things EVER would be to swell the ranks of The People of Abraham to meet and deal with the changes occuring around us in the world today.

To provide a voice with a track record of what we believe, and practice, and to show that it does WORK! In spite of all the warnings and fear we have encountered…. IT DOES WORK!

I am posting this today, Tuesday February 8th. on the Blog for T.P.O.A. at **** My blog; Life religion family at… **** And the face book location of T.P.O.A.

I am also going to take the risk of asking all of our members to send a message to all of their friends on their lists for them to do the same. Join us and swell the ranks of T.P.O.A. as membership increases, we can be a stronger voice for peace and interfaith relations around the world. There are organizations with whom we are linked around the world now, for a short time our blog was rated one of the top five thousand in the world! I want that again… and more!

Those who do join us, need not fear they will be dragooned into doing anything they don’t agree with, or of taking controversial stances for one faction or another, simply work for, and wish for, peace for all human beings everywhere and the right to live in that state of peace. There are among us people who write for a living and lecture on many things that support our goals such as uplifting the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam and the Sufi’s as well. Both peace ful and very able to co-exist in the secular world today. That of course does NOT exclude Shiite and Sunni many of whom are American citizens and have been for generations! I do NOT give a pass to sects of Chrisrtianity that are not tolerant of other belief systems and faiths, if they spew hate they are called out for it! I myself really need not worry about my reputation, it is all over the net what, and who, I am and what I believe, and work for.

So join us! You will find the group at the face book location and signing up is easy and absolutely free anything you do to help us grow. Even just adding your name to those of us who pray for peaceful co-existence will be welcome indeed!!

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Posted by tawodi on February 1, 2011

Governors of 35 states have filed suit against the Federal
Government for imposing unlawful burdens upon them. It only takes
38 (of the 50) States to convene a Constitutional Convention. Also
once a Constitutional Convention is convened, previous amendments
can also be repealed, changed, or left alone as is. Congress is
one way laws can be passed. But, a Constitutional Convention is
another way laws can be passed by “We the People”. Just think if
the 17th Amendment was repealed. Article V of our Constitution
allows for a Constitutional Convention. You can read more about
it here at the link provided below.

This will take less than thirty seconds to read. If you agree,
please pass it on.

This is an idea that we should address.

For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of
Congress. Many citizens had no idea that members of Congress could
retire with the same pay after only one term, that they
specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have
passed (such as being exempt from any fear of prosecution for
sexual harassment) while ordinary citizens must live under those
laws. The latest is to exempt themselves from the Healthcare
Reform… in all of its forms. Somehow, that doesn’t seem logical.
We do not have an elite that is above the law. I truly don’t care
if they are Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever. The
self-serving must stop. Even the the staffers of Congress family
members are exempt from having to pay back student loans. This
will get national attention if other news networks will broadcast
it. When you add this to the below, just where will all of it

If each person that receives this will forward it on to 20 people,
in three days, most people in The United States of America will
have the message. This is one proposal that really should be
passed around.

Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:
“Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the
United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or
Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to
the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to
the citizens of the United States .” In a Constitutional
Convention, term limits could be finally put into place for
Representatives and Senators. A Balanced Federal Budget could
also be placed into the Constitution to further restrict what
Congress can and cannot do.
Think it over and pass it on if you wish folks…..Rev. Bruce…..Tawodi

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