a place to come and discuss in peace, things of religion, life, and families

Posts Tagged ‘law’


Posted by tawodi on April 21, 2012

Or…is it…. “just another”…….. government?

I watched today ( April 8 ) at about ten A.M. President Obama give a rambling barely coherent speech, of what his intended direction for this country is.

I was concerned that there was something physically wrong with him, as the speech in several places wandered, and was making no sense to me at all in places. I fully expected one of his aids to come up, interrupt him by whispering something in his ear, and then they would both leave the stage and the network would make some lame excuse that there had been an emergency requiring the President’s attention!

I am being deadly serious here…it was that jarring a performance.

This led me to think of what it is we are so in danger of losing, right now, as we dawdle in apathy and nobody seems to accept that it is US, that must move to save our country…It is US that must accept the FACT, that waiting for some creation of a cultural phenom as our savior, is the single most dangerous thing we can do as a nation of….. LAWS!

We are told, repeatedly, that governments that are just, rest assured of Gods blessing. We are told as Christians, “render unto Ceaser that which is Ceasers.”

We are told, we are to be in the world but, not OF the world.

Were we settled by people ( Puritans) who were devout and in their words engaged in, “Building a shining city on a hill.” Yes, we were.

As the Colonial society grew into what would become The United States, did the bigotry of some “Christian” sects seep into the cracks of that society? Yes it did, put plainly and simply.

For awhile it was legal to shoot Catholics in Mary’s town, later Maryland. Lord Baltimore put a stop to that foolishness!

Was it legal to shoot anyone seen coming over the border into the Massachussetts Bay colony from Rhode Island? Legal? Hell, it was required that you do so!!! Believe it or not, that law finally came off the books in the late eighties here in Ma.. 1980′s !!

These two, as well as hundreds of instances of others, are why the Constitution was framed as it was.

First, to assure the world that HUMAN RIGHTS, come from where ever you choose to, or WHAT ever you choose to consider, a higher power.NOT FROM MEN!!

It was framed to assure that this government has NO power to take them away. NONE!!

It ,the Constitution, was framed to assure that the sole existance of, THIS CONSTITUTION, is to protect them, enshrine them in such a way, that
Those who follow down the path of whatever destiny this nation has, never forget that. The constitution does not and, was not, formed to GIVE YOU ANY RIGHTS AT ALL!!!

This Constitution was framed and, this form of government, was CRAFTED, to protect your rights, provide for the common defense to do so, and to be that JUST GOVERNMENT, of that shining city on a hill.

We, all of us who pray, ask for wisdom, next time you pray for that, think and, Thank God, or whatever providence you happen to believe in, that the framers and the builders, SOMEHOW, inculcated in our people the thought that, THE JUST LAW,… agreed upon by our citizens,… is to be the ruler, in THIS country. Not whoever happens to presently shine in the cults of personality. The politically popular or the temporarily transcendant.

In the temporary passions we see all around us, as they rise and fall in seeming importance, they become a very poor substitute indeed for WISDOM.

Think of these things as you consider all of this, look into your heart and admit to yourself, that there have been and, will be times, when you yourself are dangerous in your passions and belief and, in the heights of passion are capable in the imprudent statement, or the innapropriate or even violent action that passion brings, as it suspends judgment.

Now, lets all once again, thank all those “old dead white guys” for their skill, wisdom and yes, the passion, to give us what they did….the last best hope of Mankind, That shining city on a hill.


Tawodi, you know that ain’t true. You can teach it in classes, as I did for thirty years, but there’s no truth in it. They pick the candidates they roll before us, and set up the primaries and elections, and give it all the facade that our vote means something, but does it? They slant the media the way they want us to see everything and we vote the way we’re channeled to vote – then we all go off to play our foolish games and wrap ourselves in our tedious little lives while they run the world the way they want to, at our expense – and where do “we” govern in any of this?? In reality, it’s all a facade of bullshyyt – and we except it, and pay the bill, and get mained and die in their wars – and for what?

rebuttal;  You both are right, but I side with Swremwin and here’s why.

I have not given up… my purpose here is the same as it ever was. To give honest perceptions to others to be of some service… no matter what form it may take…for others to use or discard….their choice, as it ever was.

This is all that is left to me, as I am at the end of my journey…or damned near anyway.


The street kid in me will NOT allow that! It is not through arrogance, or that I expect others to pay attention to me, that would be the height of stupidity and I am NOT stupid….but I am damned stubborn!

I REFUSE to believe we, as a people, who have lived the dream of freedom for over two hundred and thirty years, can not find among us the wherewithall to put a stop to this culture of envy that has so adroitly been crafted around us, to the detriment of everyone here! And, the ultimate destruction of this country and the spirit of it’s people!

EVERY -ONE- needs to STOP being a single issue voter..and vote FOR THE COUNTRY!

This means for instance “abortion” if the candidate is for it as a right for women, who gives a damn as long as they believe in the sanctity of the individual….and have a record of being a constitutionalist, then vote for them!

A fiscal conservative? Then vote for them, a constructionist who believes all them dead white guys and William O Douglas as well (a Black man) or Alan Keyes? (ANOTHER BLACK MAN) WELL THEN VOTE FOR THEM!

Can’t walk any more? Can’t drive any more? Then have your neighbor, your son or daughter, whoever! Go and get you an absentee ballot…THEN USE THE DAMNED THING AND VOTE!

I am sick to DEATH of hearing excuses about why nothing happens anymore.

THAT IS HOW THIS CURRENT FOOL GOT INTO OFFICE! Nobody gave enough of a damn to get off their ass!! And go frigging vote against him if nothing else!

The writing was on the wall I, you ,hell WE knew what he is and was… HE told us what he was going to do…why did we NOT stop him?

Single issue voters THAT’S WHY!! WELL!! This guy likes YELLOW jelly beans and everybody knows that isn’t right!!…. if he liked RED jelly beans well….. THEN I’d vote for him…….or some other equally juvenile, senseless…..CRAP!

So as a man, all I can hope to do is PZZZZ you off…and maybe, just MAYBE, that will get you to thinking and you will say to yourself…..AHH…XHIT old T is right, if I don’t stop this crap…… WHO WILL!

You sit in front of your puter and post here…right? Well why not go to blogs and post there! Give your opinion and support to the thousands of others who feel, and think, as you!! Spread the word….the nearest thing you will ever have to having your very own NEWSPAPER!

Now think about it and if you agree in the very least…get off your imaginary ass and DO IT! After all…. like me…. you ain’t doing anything else!

comment; Thomas Paine, a Pamphleteer from England said it all. He concluded America’s well-being would be an act of God’s Providence. He was our hero then. Today, his conclusions would be laughed at and derided as the folly of an affected mind – right? And we wonder why we are a nation in decline – –

This preceded the recital of Thomas Paine’s  ” These are the times that try men’s souls”…   speech.



Even as the quotes of Thomas Paine are raised in print from your hand, you fail to rise to the sound of the guns and stand your ground, not in fear, you have established yourself as too brave a man for that, but in the feeling you have nothing left to give.!

To this I say to you, lead me! Show me the way you are far better educated than I…LEAD ME so that in these my final days, I may come up with the words, yea even perhaps the DEEDS, that may inspire others to then…. LEAD others.

You quote the words of the esteemed Mr. Paine and forget that he and less than a third of the men who lived here then, STOOD and resisted the fatal apathy of fear, took heart and fought and died that we now, some two hundred and thirty five years later, may take heart again and not die but simply STAND AND SAY….ENOUGH!! IT ALL STOPS HERE…AND CAST A VOTE!

You SIR, can still be a light to others with your knowledge, your constancy, and your spirit, if you can but escape the trap of despair that you have allowed to form in your mind. As I have raised my children to believe to their betterment…IF, YOU think you CAN’T, you’re right, you CAN’T! But, if you think you CAN…. well then you just Might! And that is all the guarantee any of us ever have, to free ourselves from the trap we create in our own minds, the most vicious, most ensnaring, the most hideous of ALL, for it is we who have created it!

As for me Sir, I will stand…With you, or with out you, I WILL STAND!


There were three Thomases. One doubted Christ until he touched the wounds. One crossed the sea to America to call it to awakenss, then fought as a private in its Armies. Another coined high-minded words, but turned his back to Christ and ran for his life, leaving his wife and family to fend for themselves when the Dragoons approached – –


Hmmmmm not bad, but what about US, never mind those Thomas’s…. THEY’RE DEAD!


Well, kinda sorta…..


A judge told me once that he thought military service should be mandatory, with a two year commitment. Perhaps after health care is mandatory (?) we could put that in place and better help and guide our children.

ps sounds a bit like Hitler to me, the blue-eyed blond hair children.

This from a younger person this generation;


My generation was the last, that faced mandatory service to the country.

By caving in to the runaway intelligentsia of the sixties and seventies, we became captivated by and then inured, to the idea, that the individual need make NO contribution to this country and it’s way of life. They also stopped civics classes in the late sixties and no longer REALLY teach just WHAT civics ARE!! Other than to outline all the gimmy’s you get as a citizen. You know those “entitlements” that others earn for you? You know those freedoms that you enjoy that some sap went out and served, and in some cases….. died for! Those rights that allow you to trash a whole city and the peace and civil serenity that the citizens have worked and paid for because you think you shouldn’t HAVE TO…even for your “HIGHER EDUCATION”…THERE’S A FRIGGING LAUGH!! Talk about misleading “descriptive verbiage”…. Higher education my ASS! Look how they….USE IT!

And now you compare those people from the generation before mine and mine itself as being willing pawns of NAZI’S!!??!!

Well…sir….you may take a flying_ ****_ at a rolling doughnut!!

People like me still understand to have all that we have, you NEED to work for it. You need to sacrifice for it. You need to suffer for the fruits of your labor most times

Do you wish to know WHY?

Because then, as now, when we give these things to you, they are worth EXACTLY WHAT YOU PAID FOR THEM! To you, they have no intrinsic worth because, OTHERS, sacrificed what was necessary to accomplish the goals…we lived and died so you would not have to, We left service and worked for forty some years for you to advance to the point, where you now can slander our lives, our sacrifices, and our dreams, FOR YOU, and call us “MAYBE LIKE NAZI’S!!!

Here comes that rolling doughnut again, you may want to catch it this time………..Wanna know WHY??

Well us old farts are damned tired of listening to some body with no accomplishments of their own, belittle ours! All those toys you are playing with???? WE INVENTED THEM FOR YOU…YOU IDIOTS!! You had better damned well get over your selves and get to work and do, YOUR PART!

Now OPHIDIOPHOBIA, all of this is NOT directed at you….the “you” being, in this case, “GENERIC”

It is directed at those who do the things I mentioned with impunity…at least in their myopic eyes!


A person who “claims” citizenship in the Republic without serving it first is nothing but a greasy slug. So was the thought of the time in Athens when the concept of “Republic” was invented, and so should it be now. I do believe Socrates served as a general in his youth – –

That’s why I have great respect for Thomas Paine. He was a British Subject come here to awake America to its chance at Freedom and Democracy. But he just didn’t write words, he enlisted in the American Army, though not a Citizen of the Colonies. He was offered a chance at being an Officer or NCO, but he refused both, preferring to serve in the ranks only as a “high private” – a great man . .

These are again the Times that Try Mens Souls. The problem is, too many Americans now believe they don’t have one to worry about – –

If we magically cut our government by half and our taxes by half, we might just have the money in our pockets to buy the stuff we need – ya think? That’s why I follow Conservative rather than Progressive Politicians. Progressives are always looking for new ways to creat expensive programs, build giant Bureaucracies (sp) for them, then dive into our wallets and debt to pay for them. Time to stop that completely, or end up like Greece, Spain and Italy – bankrupt!

Not being the possessors of true “magic”, must rely on the written word to work our magic for us…… in the minds of others.This is called entering the arena of ideas….to sway the minds of the people….it is accomplished with FACTS……NOT as some would believe, with magic!

We see every day the results of “magic” from the Lamestream Media….at least it seems sometimes like that. But, is it truely magic, or is it simply plastic banana, goodtime rock and roll, BULLXHIT!?!

We see on these threads every day the presentation of ideas that come from that “mainstream’ and they are best described when properly examined as A CROCK OF PURE, UNADULTERATED CRAP!

FROM WHENCE….The beginning post of this thread.

There are over four thousand local, county, citywide, and state, news papers across this country…..There are over two thousand six hundred cable stations, local broadcast stations, and There among them, those that are V.H.F. AND U.H.F. That are broadcast as well. This includes NONE of the public stations, or universities or college stations, that broadcast also.

In the printed and broadcast media in poll, after poll, after poll, they come up with a 93…to….96 percent liberal to conservative staff ratio…..THIS is CALLED a FACT!!

Of the cable stations, from one central broadcast facility, guess how many FOX stations there are that are considered conservative? ELEVEN, yep that’s it, eleven!

All the other affiliates such as fox 25 out of Woostershire (Wooster) Massachusetts are considered LIBERAL!


Almost all the big city markets are treated as if they were the sole property of the liberal establishment……there again, a nasty little FACT!!

Internet blogs that are rated in the “net parlance” of readable, outstrip the liberal to the tune of 71% conservative, to 22% liberal The rest undecided.

I published, for almost five YEARS, THREE of the top rated five thousand in the world all over the world! ( Source; Verve Earth statistical rating and listing service no longer extent Since being purchased by Google)

My life, religion, Family, blog this year already has over two thousand hits and climbing and many of those hits are linked to Facebook and other linkage services across the net by ping back services, spiders, and two or three others I don’t quite understand how they work.

There are thousands of other blogs rated as good or better than mine out there. You can write into and leave cogent comments or even submit articles to, for them to publish and disseminate across the country, and the world!

This is what I meant when I said that this is the next best thing to having your very own newspaper!! It wasn’t just a throw away line!

Now do you really want to complain about NOT HAVING A VOICE AND THAT EVERYTHING IS BULLXHIT!!!

18 or so votes in Idaho a few months ago should dispel that myth! Or 535 or so votes in the Florida Panhandle can dispel the rest of those myths as well!

I will bet you any money you care to name that Al Gore doesn’t think it’s a MYTH!

Some of you guys are pretty damned smart and write pretty well too! Come in, the water’s fine! Check it OUT fellas and gals….you’re gonna be frigging AMAZED!

AND….TA…DA!!….Blogs are FREE!! go to Google or WordPress and sign up and start writing. You can have as many as you can fill, for FREE, on those two platforms alone!

I still own the domain name, Tree of The Mustard Seed Ministries, but took it down (the web page) cause right now, I need to save money. That’s why, if you have looked for it, it has been gone about four months now.

You don’t need hot links to find me, just Google my name…….. You can get to all the blogs that way.

This concludes this conversation on another site I engaged in. It  concerned being active, or simply waking the hell UP and admit you are one of the slugs, you so describe as such! Do any of you now reading this… SEE THAT?  It has become pernicious as all get out,  how many people feel disenfranchised this way. The apathy has been carefully crafted by our leaders to cause it and then…. for them to gather power to themselves to control us….. YOU AND ME !!

As always follow the MONEY and POWER……and then wake UP! Follow your heart…This is the most important election of the century now before us…DO NOT vote for your self….vote for your GRANDCHILDREN.
Be well all Rev. Bruce………………………………..Tawodi

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From Memorial Day

Posted by tawodi on May 30, 2009

The point is…once again….that your rights don’t come from MEN or GOVERNMENTS!!

If they did, the constitution wouldn’t be worth a tinker’s damn!!

The words of the Declaration of independance and the Constitution, are what created the dream in men’s minds that YOU are now living!!

That is all it is people, a dream!! That’s how truly fragile it really is!! It is a chimera, a wil-o-the wisp, A phantasm, sprung directly from the hearts of dreamers from over two centuries ago, that they formed into a living presence and a dream that millions have lived. And, they did so, without truly knowing what it was or how it was attained, but living it none the less.

A chimera, that some few among us all, even today, are willing to give their lives for, even though they couldn’t really explain it to you either!!

From time out of mind, from even before the dawn of civilization, men and women have felt it, lived for it, trained their children to covet and treasure it, even though they couldn’t explain it, or where it came from then, or where it comes from now.

Some shouted it as they died, some whispered it as their lives fled from them in rivulets across the ground, of some far away battlefield, they couldn’t even pronounce the name of properly.

Some have pursued it through swamps real and imagined, across deserts that stretched beyond their endurance, just as the hunger for it outlived them.

Some have provided it for us without knowing they did so, simply by being productive citizens and paying the taxes levied for the joint defense of us all.

Some have preserved it, dying in prisons of the unjust and by being remembered for their courage and inspiring us to ever greater efforts toward it’s preservation.

Some have conveyed with a glance, all of it’s meaning and some, with millions of words, have failed to convey even a glimmer of what it truly IS.

It is a word, a thought, a deed, a hope, a wish, a memory for some, for others a future untold.

But at the end of each day…still a dream, still a chimera, still a will-o-the wisp, unfathomable, unexplainable, unearned, loved and cherished, even to foolishness, but NEVER to be surrendered. NEVER to be given up and never, never to be thrown away!

The name of the dream?? One word…..freedom.

The place where it was truly given life in the minds and hearts of men?

The United States of America.

And for at least a while, as it is cast aside by the many for security in the foolish hope that a man can preserve it alone for us, with the hollow promises of a politician, the last best hope for the world, the same, The United States of America.

The land of dreamers….may we be preserved as such…….

Dedi cated to our troops and those who wonder at our nation.
Be well friends………..Rev. Bruce……………………….Tawodi



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Columbus Day look what you started Mr C !!!

Posted by tawodi on October 8, 2007

I posted this in the military forums this morning I thought you may enjoy it also, happy Columbus Day.

Howdy, happy Columbus Day;

It seems appropriate that this is here on this day.

The title of this thread led me to believe that Bill was going to post the Bible passages of various verses, where we are admonished to respect worldly governments,as institutions allowed to men and, recognized as necessary by God.

We are told, repeatedly, that governments that are just, rest assured of Gods blessing. We are told as christians, “render unto Ceaser that which is Ceasers.”

We are told, we are to be in the world but, not OF the world.

Were we settled by people ( puritans) who were devout and in their words engaged in” building a shining city on a hill??” Yes, we were.

As the colonial society grew into what would become The United States, did the bigotry of some “christian” sects seep into the cracks of that society? Yes it did, put plainly and simply.

For awhile it was legal to shoot Catholics in Mary’s town, later Maryland.

Was it legal to shoot anyone seen coming over the border into the Massachussetts Bay colony from Rhode Island? Legal? Hell it was required that you do!!! Believe it or not that law finally came off the books in the late eighties here in Ma.. 1980’s !!

These two, as well as hundreds of instances of others, are why the constitution was framed as it was.

First, to assure the world that HUMAN RIGHTS, come from where ever you choose to, or WHAT ever you choose to, consider a higher power.NOT FROM MEN!!

It was framed to assure that this government has NO power to take them away. NONE!!

It ,the constitution, was framed to assure that the sole existance of, THIS CONSTITTUION, is to protect them, enshrine them in such a way, that
Those who follow down the path of whatever destiny this nation has, never forget that. The constittuion does not and, was not, formed to GIVE YOU ANY RIGHTS AT ALL!!!

This constitution was framed and, this form of government, was CRAFTED to protect your rights, provide for the common defense to do so, and to be that just government of that shining city on a hill.

We, all of us who pray, ask for wisdom, next time you pray for that, think and, Thank God, or whatever providence you happen to believe in, that the framers and the builders, SOMEHOW, inculcated in our people the thought that, THE JUST LAW, agreed upon by our citizens, is to be the ruler, in THIS country. Not whoever happens to presently shine in the cults of personality. The politically popular or the temporarily
transcendant , in the temporary passions we see all around us, as they rise and fall in seeming importance.

Think of these things as you consider all of this, look into your heart and admit to yourself, that there have been and, will be times, when you yourself are dangerous in your passions and belief and, in the heights of passion are capable in the imprudent statement, or the innapropriate or even violent action that passion brings, as it suspends judgment.

Good article to post Bill, happy Columbus day, and, lets all once again thank all those “old dead white guys” for their skill, wisdom and yes, the passion, to give us what they did….the last best hope of Mankind, That shining city on a hill.

Be well  all………….Rev. Bruce………………………………………………………………..Tawodi

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