a place to come and discuss in peace, things of religion, life, and families


Posted by tawodi on May 1, 2012

Sometimes in life elements come together that make you sit back and take notice.
There is no apparent rhyme or reason as they align themselves for a new idea, a new approach, or a sudden unveiling of what has been before your very eyes that you simply didn’t see for what it was…. till now.
I am going to call this God’s providence as I see it that way. I have made a study, albeit informal, for most of my life of history, religion, in a more serious format to be sure….and ….Society …and it’s politics. What makes us who and what we are in general.
In the United States of America we are a different breed altogether, but most do not understand just why this is so, and why it is attested to, by so many, when we all are just people anyway.
The reason is simple really…. it is because we are the only nation on Earth that was conceived and crafted to enshrine the rights of the individual citizen. In the best way, time has proved to be, the correct way, to interpret being human.
The rights of Americans do not come from men and most assuredly, do NOT come from governments….OF men!
Such governments that confer upon their citizen such rights as they so confer…are subject to terming them as rights, when they are little more than government conferred…. privileges which…. being conferred as such… can readily be taken away by any means that government deems necessary to good order….OR the more prevalent reason…for….” the common good”.
The elements for this article have come together for me in the last seven months of research and digging to unearth ….not my words…but the words of those who currently govern us from the stage, and,….. more importantly….. From the shadows
It is my intention to reveal these people and leaders and educators for what they are and just what their purpose is…. for you…me …your children and, all others who follow us from now into the future.
Let me first start with a list of names….not so long a list as you may suppose for the enormity of what is being, and has been…proposed.
The very first is the person who made me sit up and take notice of something I had suspected, felt, Or, you could say intuited, or what ever…. but could not articulate till I heard her words. She is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and her name is Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The following quote comes from an Egyptian television interview on January 30, 2012.
“ I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012. I might look at the Constitution of South Africa….A fundamental instrument that embraced human rights.”
When you consider who and what this woman is…. it is simply STUNNING that she would voice such a comment. A person who is sworn to up hold that Constitution Of the United States and NONE OTHER!
People like this do NOT operate in a vacuum, they are formed from those who at first have been alienated in some way by their peers, or by society for unknown, usually inconsequential reasons, to the better balanced of us at large. In short an assumed victimhood that is worn for their entire life into the future, no matter how successful they ultimately become in that life. It may bear stating that ours is a society of victims…If you doubt me simply observe all the people who have been influenced by Oprah Winfry and others who picked up her style and mantra….professional victims leading those who felt victimized once it was pointed out to them who their oppressors were or were perceived to be….real or not.
We as a society still suffer untold amounts of damage from those who have made, and are making, fortunes from their race baiting…class warfare and…. Hyphenating every one, and everything, that doesn’t move, or can run away from their doing so!
To give another example of the “Baby with the bathwater” thinking out there, the latest group being the Atheists and The Freedom From Religion Foundation suing small cities and towns to remove religious symbols from public property. Some of you might think “Well good on them! It’s about time those hatefilled right wing conservative Christians get what’s coming to them!”
One may indeed feel some justification from that but ,consider when it’s your turn to be at the mercy of those you can not defend yourself from…like those self same small cities and towns that are virtually bankrupt…. because of political stupidity! Which of course, leads to economic stupidity! Which leads to failure as a NATION!

And now for names….I led with the name of Ruth Bader Ginsburg not because she is a leader of this pernicious movement but because…. she is but a symptom of it!
The first name is Barrack Hussein Obama Because he currently leads it. He was groomed for it, believes implicitly in it and, will stop at nothing to achieve his vision for America of the future.
That vision is NOTHING like that conceived of by the founders or the people of this nation that they can currently conceive. One of freedom…. as it has been known for us historically.
The next is George Soros, because he is currently involved in being the major financier and motivator of this movement having in the past brought down three other nations by his financial manipulations because he HATES free systems like ours! He and his consortium of cohorts is zealously moving in the shadows, and in the United Nations and among powerful elements of other nations, to bring us down, as we have been known, to accomplish everything I have, and will, say in this article. And, this can be verified BY YOU! It is all over the internet…not on blogs and crap like that, but in official records and readily available in quotes and interviews over the years.
What follows is a description of who the players are, their plans, and the direction and, the way they have and are, moving to accomplish all that has been outlined so far.

1. President B.H.Obama
2. Eric Holder Attorney General of the U.S.
3. Elena Kagan Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the U.S.
4. Sotomayor Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the U.S.
5. George Soros Bankroller of the D.N.C. and other arms of the Obama machine. The Center For American Progress.
6. Cass Sunstein Regulation Czar
7. John Podesta, Center for American Progress.
8. Professor Aziz Huq of University of Chicago Law School
9. Mark Tushnet of Harvard ;Law Professor
10. Emily Zakin, Professor Hunter College
11. Robert C. Post, Dean Harvard Law School
Jack Balkin Professor of Law Harvard Law School
12 and onward…access all of Obama’s appointments to cabinet positions and those ubiquitous Czars that you heard of, and hundreds of other quiet Presidential Appointees that currently infest congress and inside the Beltway of Washington D.C…. but who have faded into the wood work like termites, to accomplish the ends of these planners and plotters….Sorry there’s no better word for it, as it is conducted from the shadows as is being done.

EXAMPLE; Katherine Sebelius, ( Cabinet Head, Health and human Services) and her recent ruling about churches paying for abortions! If you believe that she did that without the direction of her political bosses ….YOU are naieve,,,or hopelessly deluded!

These are the acknowledged leaders of the movement to rewrite the constitution of the United States. And then you have the other 40,000,000 or so, of unknowing innocent dupes of this party run amuck or, at worst, actively lying along with the rest of them, to accomplish their ends.

……………………..The Stated Goals of This Movement……………………………..

“Taking Back The Constitution.”….Taking it back from WHOM??…Well according to them it was hi-jacked by those wascally wepublicans again!!! You might ask, “ is that a quote from Elmer Fudd?” Uhh…no, it’s not. It comes from Professor of Law at Harvard University…The exact quote…“For thirty years the Conservatives have hijacked the Constitution, and we’re taking it back.”
Back?? Where did they take it?? It wasn’t ME…. I’ve been trying to find it among the crappy laws, Directives, Regulations and the blizzards of Executive Orders that this country has been run on, for years….INSTEAD OF LAWS!!
REALLY, WHERE DID IT GO?? Can you tell me….please?
This administration has been in office for over three years and has not submitted a budget from the Senate YET! Harry Reid will NOT allow any budget from the house of Representatives to even reach the Senate floor for discussion!! I do not include his name in the list because I can’t find his own quotes…YET…to back up that claim.
Do not forget…. every claim I intend to print in this article…. is from those …who made them…clearly stating their intent!!..
That is why this article will be so damning in it’s proofs!…. I am not the one saying these things….THEY ARE!!

Now back to the beginning, Justice Ginsburg’s comment at that Egyptian television interview. Why would she say such a thing? Why would she even believe it needed saying? Especially in that venue, as a person so high in the government of the United States? Does it seem off the wall to you….? Well it did at the time to me, so I simply dismissed it, as I have so many of her comments before…..I should have listened closer!
What that comment does is reveal her commitment to an ongoing movement among “progressive” legal activists to render the Constitution, as we know it, unrecognizable.
Want to know what else is outstanding by it’s absence? The Lamestream Media’s ignoring the remark or shoving it out of sight along with other things you should know about them and the people who ostensibly represent you and me….silly us!!!
We are ignorant and not worthy of note…. as far as running the country is concerned…remember? Go to a couple of cocktail parties among the intelligentsia, you’ll find this out soon enough! Remember the Town Meetings of 2010…. before the elections? Kind of revealing…. about just what they thought of you then…. weren’t they!!
Wipe your feet after you leave the party though…you don’t want to track that crap into your living room…it’s bad enough they pump it in through your T.V………
So we return to the thrust of all this…. WHAT do they intend. Besides take back what isn’t gone!!

Now since I opened with a quote from Ruth Bader Ginsburg let’s expand the mantra of these people, starting with, The already quoted… Mark Tushnet ….having stated his goals thereby giving impetus to this pernicious plan, which will now be unfolded right before your very eyes!
The next player to be introduced is…TA DA! John Podesta, former Clinton Cabinet member and Cass Sunstein. Who in the interim between the Clinton Administration and that of Obama’s served that gazillion dollar backer of democracy George Soros.
This all of course has a name let me introduce you to the new, “Democratic Constitutionalism” This is the “moniker for this which was coined at TA DA! 2005 American Constitutional society conference at Yale Law School .Also followed in 2009 by a book and another conference of the same name. At that Pillar of Education ,Yale University.
Now, having introduced the first three of the major players in this expose’ and who they WERE….let us proceed to who they ARE NOW. George Soros of course needs no introduction as the hater in chief of democratically elected governments and capitalism.
John Podesta on the other hand after serving as Obama’s chief of his transition teamn into the White House environs is the overseer of probably the most successful of those multigazillion dollar machine for George Soros ….The Center for American Progress…..That font of left wing ideas that President Obama has turned into his entire platform and policy coming soon to a neighborhood near YOU!……Hold the drum roll please!
The next Denison to slither from under that rock is TA DA! Cass Sunstein….Sunstein is the “unofficial or tagged as an “onformal” White House advisor….kinda sorta like the old card carrying Harry Hopkins of F.D.R. fame another unofficial advisor to the President.
Actually he does have a title….He is the Czar of the White House Office of Information and….NOW the drum roll!! Regulatory AffairsTA-DUM… TA-DA DUM! Thank you.
This guy is just giddy about the South African Constitution and has called it, “The most admirable Constitution in the history of the world.” Close quote…please……OH! By the way Sunstein is on leave from his chair as a Harvard Law Professor and an incredibly prolific generator of far left ideas , that any reasonably intelligent person….would simply call weird. For instance internet web sites should include opposing points of view to “be fair”and [quote/ “ the growing number of consumers to “filter” what it is they see.”….In other words you’re too stupid to form your own opinions about what you read….You need “them” to do it for you!…Outrageous or what? OR even better….he has proposed giving animals “personhood” so that lawyers can…on behalf of those animals…sue in court!
What this means of course is that “liberals” progressives” or what ever the hell they’re calling themsleves now HATE the idea that they no longer control the media that you see like they did for all the years there were limitation. Because we didn’t HAVE the media open to you to say and read what you WANT TO! Even now they continue to tell us that the media airs the stories….NO THEY DON’T!!! and THAT is what is meant by “Media Bias” they simply don’t run the stories they don’t want you to hear!
EXAMPLE; Just how much do you know about the story you are now reading??? OR Operation Fast and Furious….Holder’s and Obama’s and Hilary’s plan to infiltrate weapons into a sovereign Nation, Mexico, to continue the LIE that American guns from illicit American gun dealers, were the principal source for the weapons used in the current drug wars down there. These wars, which have claimed more than 25,000 lives so far! Not to mention the life of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent who was killed by one of those guns!
….This insanity is so pervasive all through this administration, it is simply incredible…and so many who read these things simply refuse to give them credit! They can’t believe this is all happening right here, right now even as we speak, and is being guided and implemented by a sitting duly elected President of the United States and his entire, “rotten fruit”, … filled administration.
As out lined…. Sunstein is actually calling for a form of censorship of thought….to create DIVERSITY!!….And you thought ME…. crazy!?!
One more step….Through the looking glass…into Alice’s world….don’t lose sight of the White Rabbit….he’s heading for the White House….how appropriate!
Now there is no real secret to the Constitution in 2020 movement. You can find it on the internet or, like some other movements, smeared on the sidewalk, or in the grass somewhere.
What is NOT unique is that way in which it is being conducted…which of course like so much of other “liberal-progressive” efforts….under the radar…like so many or so much of their political goals…..If they told you, EXACTLY what they intend, they would be laughed out of the room and off of our streets!
So now you have learned something else you maybe didn’t know…THEY LIE….and they do it about almost everything they believe! It is second nature to them….as in no other way can they hope to succeed.
Now, the mechanics involved are simply these. The Lead off Speaker for the 2009 conference, reconvened at Yale Law School, was Professor, Aziz Huq, Of the University of Chicago Law School.
He laid out the need for a deep political masquerade to accomplish real change.
[quote]; We’ll start with the problem of candor,” Huq said. “No Constitutional movement ever got very far by admitting that it sought innovation in the founding document. Or by admitting that it was enabled by the particular social/historical or doctrinal circumstances of the change that it urged. Yet to be a creditable movement for Constitutional change-a creditable social movement- that movement has to deny, in a sense, it’s ultimate goal.” [close quote] Now I’m going to take a BIG leap of faith here and give you credit for being able to understand, THAT FOOL JUST TOLD YOU THEY NEED TO LIE TO GET THIS CRAP INTO OUR GOVERNMENT!!!
I’m am sorry for screaming but I’ve been screaming since before the election of 2008 and nobody listened THEN. Obama told you exactly what he would do if elected and has done it!
Quick question here folks…Have you ever heard of….TA_DA…. A CONSTITUTIONAL AMMENDMENT? Why from the outset have these people assumed that they NEED TO LIE to accomplish their goals?? The mechanism is there to make the changes they want to make….. right?!?
Unless understand they know damned well that to get this crazy crap past you,… by a democratic vote,…. IS SIMPLY NOT POSSIBLE YET!… Too many Americans still have a functioning BRAIN!
Now to understand what this all means you MUST understand what “rights” the U.S. Constitution conveys to you from the government….once again…….NONE…….THEY DIDN’T GIVE THEM TO YOU!!…According to the Declaration of Independence our founding document historically, they come from our CREATOR! You will notice it does NOT say God. It was phrased this way to include those who do NOT believe in God! PHRASED AS IT IS, You can call it Mother Nature…Jehova….Yahwey…..I AM…..Indus…..Shiva… fact what ever you want….. up to, and including, Satan Himself!….OR…..nobody and nothing …AT ALL.
Pretty smart them old dead white guys ehhh? Also since men didn’t GIVE them to you, MEN can’t take them AWAY! And since this Constitution and indeed, our ENTIRE GOVERNMENT, WAS CRAFTED TO PROTECT AND ENSHRINE THESE RIGHTS ,…. OF THE INDIVIDUAL….. INCLUDING GO TO WAR TO DO SO….You had better be damned careful of playing with it! Yes I know I said all that before…but in case you didn’t understand it back then, I felt it needed repeating!
You need to see something else right here and NOW. It is THIS that they hate…. individual rights!…. They can not control you with this Constitution in place. We,being a Nation of LAWS…. is Also what they hate…. they can not go around sneaking crap in under the radar! It is accomplished by laws! In this OUR country. Go and read you will be amazed by the protections offered you in this old document that so many have died to defend FOR YOU! They are enumerated and the government is told quite plainly…. HANDS OFF!!
The South African Constitution contains language that says. Human beings have the “right” to…healthcare…food….shelter….meaningful work….In short all sorts of things that once stipulated as being rights it becomes plain they are anything BUT rights! They become simply “privileges” that the government gives to you for the purpose of maintaining what ever their goals ARE! The Government that giveth…. That government…. can taketh away!!… EXCEPT IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! This is WHY you may not have truly understood before WHY you have been told all of you life, there is NO other Nation Anywhere on Earth that was constructed and maintained as have we, The United States Of America!
We have reached the point I wanted to make, to show you the very real danger you, me and all the citizens, and illegals here, are in today and for what ever amount of time these people remain in power.

You have the names, go to their web cites. Go read what they themselves say about their plans….These things are real…they are a clear and present danger to our entire way of life as Americans and I do NOT exaggerate that one bit. In fact I have not told you the half of it. Just like Joe McCarthy and now glen Beck and even ME! Yes we are a pain in the ass….. but it’s for you…. because if you don’t wake up…. your children will NEVER have what you have HAD…. Freedom…. Plain…. Pure…. and simple….FREEDOM

BE WELL FRIENDS…….Rev. Bruce……………………Tawodi

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